Monday, March 2, 2009


March is here and it has brought spring with it. 

Spring in Oxford, although not at all relieving the amount of work we have to do, certainly aids in its completion. The libraries which were once freezing and formidable are now cheerful, leisurely places.
There are crocuses and snowdrops blooming by the hundreds in the parks, a truly beautiful and welcoming sight. I made the trek today with no coat, leaving all of my weather aspirations up to chance. The problem here is that it is so moist that my face and hands get cold, even while my core is sweating from the brisk pace of walk I set. There is nothing quite like the stroll along the bike path, however, especially in the cool evening air. I can smell the grasses now, which make me think of a million lovely things: soccer, camping out, picnics, stargazing... with Spring Break a mere 2 weeks away, I can hardly wait to enjoy this new atmosphere. 
One of the advantages of living in the Vines is the view it affords me of the sunset. The sunsets here almost rival those of Colorado, and surpass those of many a place. I took these from my bedroom window last week: 

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